Our unique platform challenges and refines the use of hot-melt extrusion and strives to find a practical remedy to stability and solubility issues. What’s more, we have developed and supplied implantable inserts that use approved drugs but improve delivery profiles.
What we offer
In collaboration with the University of Birmingham, CRISM developed a platform implantable drug delivery technology that improves the clinical performance of APIs used in cancer treatment by delivering them directly to their required site of action. This approach allows for a lower dose to be administered, removing the issue of toxic side-effects commonly associated with cancer treatment thus improving patients’ quality of life.

Specialising in pharmaceutical manufacturing, CRISM Therapeutics provides expert assistance and services to improve the bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs. Aiming to help with the essential first stage in developing new drug delivery techniques, we have assembled an interdisciplinary team of specialists, including pharmacologists, clinicians, and equipment providers with a lifetime’s combined experience in the industry.
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